Rooms from 1 to 4 people
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C/Parras 28, CP 41002, Sevilla
+(34) 954 906 811
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Responsible for the treatment: QUALITY AND CONFORT HOTEL, S.L.
Address of the manager: C/ Parras 28, CP 41002, Sevilla (Sevilla)
Purpose: Your data will be used to meet your requests and provide our services.
Advertising: We will only send you advertising with your prior authorization, which you can provide us through the corresponding box established for that purpose.
Legitimation: We will only treat your data with your prior consent, which you can provide us through the corresponding box established for that purpose.
Recipients: In general, only the personnel of our entity that is duly authorized may have knowledge of the information that we request.
Rights: You have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and eliminate it, as explained in the additional information available on our website.
Additional information: More information in the Your Secure Data section of our website.